Hair Growth

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Here’s How To Regrow Your Edges

There is someone that I know who has virtually no edges — now. She used to but she used to put her hair into microbraids so often, without taking a break, that the tension finally weakened in her hair follicles and now she’s bald, on both sides, about a couple of inches back. She’s actually…

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Hair oils for growth

What Are The Best Oils for Natural Hair Growth

We’re wiser now, only searching for healthy options for our hair. We’re not running back to haircare brands that dehydrate and cut our natural tresses. We’re never going back there! If you’re joining the natural hair crusade now, you’re just in time as the market has so many natural products. First… Create space on your…

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Grow back edges after over styling

How to Grow Back Your Hairline/Edges Naturally After Over Styling

Instead of using all manner of hairstyles to hide your receding hairline, grow your edges. It’s possible, and it’s not a secret. It’ll take a good hair care routine, excellent edge-growing products, and patience. That’s three simple ingredients. As you work on patience, allow us to furnish you with the first two requirements. Let’s start…

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